Motivation. For some, it’s easy to come by. Self-motivated people are generally more successful in their endeavors than their less enthusiastic counterparts. No where is this more true than in the health and fitness world. Long, arduous workouts, bland food, hunger pangs, not to mention forgoing alcohol and junk food; if you’re going to make it in this game you’re going to need boatloads of motivation. Or is motivation really that necessary? Maybe not.

Our emotions are subject to change. Motivation is driven by our emotions. So, by it’s very nature, motivation can be fleeting. It can engulf us in an instant, driven by our want for success, for a better life, and sometimes, a better body. It’s our greatest ally, making us feel empowered, unstoppable, ready to take on the world.

But what happens when we lose motivation? It can happen at any time, gradually or suddenly, without warning. You’ll feel deflated, like the wind has been taken from your sails. You were climbing the ladder to success and now it’s as if you’re being weighed down. Slowly, you begin to undo all the good work you put in up to this point. You start missing workouts, taking a more lax approach to your food choices, until eventually you realize you’re back to square one. Why? Because you lost motivation. You placed all your bets on being able to maintain motivation indefinitely, and you lost.

You see, as I said, motivation is fleeting. Just like lust will never form the basis for a long lasting romantic relationship, motivation is not the key to succeeding in your fitness endeavors. It’s the catalyst, the spark to get you fired up, to get you going. But remember this. Successful people do what needs to be done, even when they don’t want to.

Nobody wakes up every morning with motivation to train and eat right. And if you’re always having to look for motivation, stop it. It’s not the golden ticket to success you’ve been led to believe. I’ll say it again, it’s fleeting. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great when you’ve got it. But it’s not dependable. So enjoy it when it’s there, but learn to live without it, to SUCCEED without it!

If you’re going to stick to an exercise regime, a diet plan, you’ll need discipline, and a healthy dose of man-the-fuck-up. That’s what’s going to get the job done. That’s what’s going to get you out of bed an hour early to hit the gym. It’s what’s going to make you put down the chocolate and pick up the chicken breast. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you’ll be on the right track.

Motivation? Who needs it? Not you!

This is Shane McDonald for Muscle Eire


As always, if you require any help regarding training and nutrition please don’t hesitate to contact me!

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